Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Invasão Vitoriosa!

Um rosto cujos sóis atrevidos ao longe me desnuda.
Maneja-os tal e qual a espada, ação que me consome;
Pioneiras bandeiras serão fincadas com a boca carnuda;
Estou à mercê do barco que navega nas águas do seu nome.

Vejo o abraço de que ele é capaz;
Largo, enlaça meu litoral até não poder mais!
Aprofunda e percorre meus vazios sem paz!
Desabitada há tempos nada vinga ou satisfaz.

Mar bravio, língua que extenua!
Ondula vociferante na cavidade nua
Tento resistir, mas minha lua é doce...
Aguardo estrelas que ele me trouxe...

Doa o céu dos lábios e encontra o seio,
Provoca meu riso sem freio,
Salpica seu domínio e me destempera.
Realiza a mistura sem espera.

Suor gotejando na geografia,
Cobrindo o mapa e a guia,
Vencendo o território da minha filosofia...
Completamente sitiada pela sua orgia!

Ainda que breve

Não dispensarei a exigência do respeito mas,
com a graça que me é conveniente, te permito:
Que me faças a mais profana das mulheres,
Que sejas senhor do meu ávido corpo,
Que me tomes generosamente perdido,
da tua faculdade tão peculiar,

que é a razão...


Nos nossos dias infantis não havia aquarela que desse conta da volúpia e do vício...
Parecíamos quadros pintados à carne em nossa exposição particular...
Ele me vestia do meu sorriso e me despia de sensatez.
Dizia: Seu Mercúrio em Virgem me alimenta...
Até no ônibus, na madrugada, indo para São Paulo, a gente fez...
mas eu é que engoli quieta a sua tormenta
que sem dó explodiu de uma só vez
Éramos o paradoxo de um desinibido discreto...
Um amor de cantos escondidos,

senhas e frases secretas...


Talvez a minha personalidade seja demasiado reticente. 
A dor dos que não se permitem costurar laços de luxúria
e provar do veneno obsceno que é o de sentir o sexo
explodir em ondas de volúpia... Ah esta dor não me comove.

Eu me ordeno sim, explorar toda a potência que existe 
em uma entrega, energia que se derrama caudalosa...
tornando o imperativo do prazer, mais do que um fim em si mesmo.

Há os que domam a si mesmos colocando todo o azar de freios e amarras
para não sucumbir ante a ferocidade que é apenas a faceta indomada do ser.
Talvez saibam ser felizes à sua maneira, eu apenas digo que: não concebo uma vida
sem extrair o sumo do que em mim persiste em um incandescente desejo de viver,
copiosamente o erotismo, que é mais do que essência.
É a vertente que me move, é a pulsão que me eleva, é a catapulta que me faz apaixonar, aqui e agora...e enquanto puder respirar.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


É triste quando temos que ser radicais.
Incompreendidos em nossas disparidades. 
Eu sou mais afeita a uma vida mais liberta.
Prefiro ter apenas uma virtude.
Odeio a culpa dos moralismos.
Quero uma vida em vermelho.
"Pecar" mais. Errar mais.

Felicidade é mais do que obedecer regras. 
Felicidade pode sim ser prazer. 
Prazer nas pequenas e grandes coisas da vida. 
É questão de perspectiva. 
É questão de prioridades da vida. 
É não se escorar nas desculpas e em escusas para não viver.

Medo é substantivo. Viver é verbo. 
E eu quero verbos na minha vida. 
Lamento que acabou. 
Lamento que tenhamos que estar assim...rompidos...
Lamento que você não pode viver o tesão..., o fluxo...a intensidade...
mas aceito o fim das coisas... 
com o desapego necessário, 
por saber que tudo é cíclico, 
tudo volta...
tudo se renova...
até a gente, 
quem sabe...
é apenas um breve fim...

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Queen Size

When I want, I put the fantasy of a mistress My smell, my temperature, my dress are triggered with the voluptuousness I suck full of appetite and Your cock, the Königliche Highness likes to lick while you lay down on your bed Queen Size I kneel on the floor and I realize: He wants to be crowned .... I put him in my mouth with owned and he poured joyous until glorying... and I saw pleasure in his face coloring...  - We did not make the finished ... gun again!  - We have to continue playing the game...

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Amor fati

Eu viveria tudo de novo e de novo, 
por mil vezes e por mil vidas,
em uma sucessão de eternos retornos...
porque o que eu vivi com você, 
me faz amar o que foi...mesmo que não seja mais...
mesmo que o trágico seja a distância, 
mesmo que o mágico seja a ânsia...
como tormenta que me move,
como aumenta e me comove...
Quisera mais dias deste inefável...
intraduzível... sentido de ser com você...
tanto que me amplia, tanto que me desmonta...

Quem sabe mais uma vez, um encontro, 
dois dias... um quarto... apenas eu e você...
e nossas idiossincrasias, filosofias e aleivosias...

Por mais do tesão que temos...como chama, perigo e incêndio...
Querer e te querer...

Monday, July 28, 2014


Ce n'est pas élégant de dire à quelqu'un qu'il a menti. 
Dire un au revoir très lente, mais significative. 
Pas besoin de torturer les blessures des autres. 
Chacun connaît sa douleur. 
Et même dans mon humanité, 
je suis capable de faire les mêmes erreurs des autres. 
Mais pourquoi les erreurs des autres sont plus inexcusable, 
pourquoi nous ne pouvons pas oublier?! 
Parce que je ne me pardonne pas trop...
peut-être c´est difficile de pardonner à ceux qui sont pris dans un mensonge...

Je suis cruel avec moi et les autres. Je me détourne de moi et d'autres.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Mapa Natal...

Leão Solar, 
Escorpião Lunar, 
Áries em Ascensão...
Toda essa mistura sou Eu... 
sem me limitar,
porque o signo me enquadra,
mas eu avanço, 
além das fronteiras...
além do que se diz...

O signo me exorta, 
me entorta, 
me evoca, 
e eu saio de dentro de tantos eus...
de tantas camadas...
de tantas roupas...

Eu amo ser Leão, mas sou Escorpião tanto e quanto..
Eu amo ter Áries na cabeça do mapa, 
Amo a vaidade venusiana, 
a imprevisibilidade marcial...
a expansão passional...
Amo ser atirada para o mundo, 
com um pé aqui e outro em tantos universos...
Amo virar estrela... e ser errante e cadente...
espero um dia voltar para casa...

Thursday, April 24, 2014


Ando sem muitas palavras... 
ando vagando entre elas... 
sem querer conectá-las...
apenas deixá-las ao leu brincando de pegar sol... 
e vendo as abelhas em seu zumbido alegre...invejando-as...

ah eu espero o dia de crescer... 
de dar um salto para uma vida mais amada...

ah eu ando assim tão verde de querer ser madura de vivências intensas...
de poder arrancar as células do corpo explodindo em arrepios... 

ah eu vibro quando eu posso acordar com Júpiter me soprando suas luas...
me inspirando tanta potência...tanto desejo...

ah eu estou assim... meio sem rumo, 
mas ansiando por sangue...
por horas intermináveis de momentos presentes,
sem margem para os sonhos...

Uma pausa de 4 de Espadas... 
uma trégua para a vida que eu anseio pintar...
uma estação que preciso sintonizar...
um poema que eu estudo escrever...

Monday, March 31, 2014

Paris is my lovely party

"If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast" – Ernest Hemingway

Alice Ribeiro repeated Hemingway´s phrase softly. At this time, the flight attendant from Air France interrupted her thoughts, she has asked:

- Madam, could you buckle your seat-belt, please? We'll be taking off in a few minutes.

Alice thanked her with a smile, buckled her seat-belt and went back to the movie of  your life. She decided to rewind it so far, but she was not very far...

 A passion for books since her childhood, the years that she studied Literature at the University, her job in a small bookstore, her grief that was due to her father's death, a boyfriend who left her heartbroken...and the desire to get over her shyness and write her own books.

The trip to Paris was the result of this effort, she drew inspiration from Hemingway, a remarkable writer who found,  in the city of lights, the ideal environment to start writing. Because of this, Alice saved money for years and finally she will realise this dream.

She promised herself that, the first thing that she would do, when she arrives in Paris, would be to visit Montmartre. It is essential for someone who goes to Paris, dive into this mythical neighborhood, which breathes art in all its corners.

In fact, if Paris were a body, Montmartre would be the heart that dances passionately, pumping the joy of being alive. Even to forget her past too sad, because one day,  Montmartre had lost people by religious intolerance, that's why this place was the meeting point of the painting magic to compensate for the pain ... so the tragedy is the target on which the paintbrushes can direct their determination. Art is a way of evaporating our deepest chaos.

After thinking about her past, Alice has fallen asleep, but not for long, the sleep has become a dream in which she feels the guest at a party in a house of several rooms.

 In each room she entered, she found someone who gave her a lesson, she learned Impressionism with Cézanne,  then she saw a large window, where Pissarro told to her about  the daily life of Montmartre,  in another room she could dance with The Prima Balerina , when Picasso took her hand, and suddenly they were in Le Bateau-Lavoir, where he began a discussion about cubism.

Alice did not feel a mere spectator of these scenes, by contrast,  she felt her fingers risking a few strokes on a blank canvas, felt her eyes brimming with emotion while witnessing these streets from the window, and heard her own words when she was trying to break up a fight between a furious Modigliani and a moody Picasso ... She was utterly absorbed by that moment, so that she did not realize that the plane had arrived, and that she was already in Paris.

Hours of intense and deep dream, but reality now called Alice to live. She went to the Picasso Atelier, a small apartment located at number 49 rue Gabrielle. This was a luxury that she would allow herself, after she has been working hard for years, now she would have the pleasure of staying in a studio that belonged to Picasso in 1900.

She wanted to be immersed enough to awaken her ability to write and  increase her desire. Provoke in herself a real transfusion of passion, receiving her own blood renewed, oxygenated and full of imagination.

But first, she wanted to visit the bookstore Tardieu,-which is only four minutes walk from the Atelier. For years, the bookstore, - where she worked,- bought many books from Tardieu, it was  in these books that she read about the history of France.

She has been talking to herself for a little time, though the dream had been strong, she decided to concentrate on the present moment. So, when Alice was catching Dostoievski and Goethe on the shelves,-because she wanted to read in french: Crime and Punishment and Fausto,  a man asked her, with a strange accent:

- Have you ever read these books before in another language, young lady?

She looked at the man, who stood before her with curiosity. He was much taller than her and he looked about  forty , because of some white hair and his wrinkled skin. He had keen eyes, a lean body and crutches. She tried to guess his origin, but it seemed an impossible exercise to be undertaken with a just one question, then  Alice replied, overcoming her shyness:

-          I've read in Portuguese and English-
-          What  is there in common between the characters of Fausto and Rodion Raskolnikov? - He asked  with the same indecipherable accent.
-          In my opion, there's a similarity in redemption, they were men who were redeemed by love. Although there are differences between them, they experienced a kind of existential conflict.
-          Great! Wonderful! My name's István Kazinczy and I´m from Budapeste, Hungary ! And you, clever lady, what´s your name, and where are you from? he asked enthusiastically.

-          -Hungary! - she repeated the name of the country vehemently and she said:

-          The only things I know about Hungary are: A great football player named Puskas who my father admired a lot. He told me, one day, that Ferenc Puskas is regarded as the best Hungarian football player ever, one of the best football players of all time, and football stadiums around the world knew his most beautiful goals.

-          The kürtőskalács, a chimney cake that  is sold near my house and the book that was written by Chico Buarque, named Budapest;

-          And finally, she said, with a large smile :

-          I'm kidding, My name´s Alice Ribeiro and I´m from Brazil! I was born in a small city named Teresópolis. Actually  I know a little more about your country, for example, I read a book by the writer Tibor Déry, named Niki, a story of a dog.

-           I know this book, the story of a female dog who had fears and anxieties, depressed and disillusioned with life, she did not accept the disappearance of her owner, she did not want anyone that just loved her, but she wanted also someone who she could love- István said.

-          I identified with her several times ...- Alice said.

-          Would you like to drink a cup of coffee with me, Alice ? I think I have to tell you a story  he asked ;
-          Sure, there is a bistrô, near here- she answered

We went to a small bistro near the bookstore,  he was walking with difficulty because of his crutches. A song,- that it seems came from the depths, was playing. Josephine Baker was singing in French, an old concert she did in the late '20s on an old gramophone. We sat at a table near the street, when he began to tell his story:

-          I came to Paris to celebrate the new year. Two years ago, I suffered a serious car accident , my legs had lost their movements, I stayed for almost a year in a wheelchair. I felt all the effects, losses and damages that the accident caused in me, but something inside me screamed and begged:  -Dont give up your life! I refused any possibility of defeat. Relearned how to walk and now I want to see the fireworks in the sky making noises, I want to be the protagonist of my life, not just a spectator. I want to realize all my dreams. I think if we meet here, it is because somehow I know you came to Paris to do something. Could you tell me, what is the dream that  will happens here?

Alice looked startled at István. How can the world have so much synchronicity in their movements? she asked herself in silence...and said to him:

-           I also want to celebrate my life. At least, discover that I can create something beyond me. Paris was the inspiration for many who came before me. I'm trying to follow in their footsteps: Hemingway, Picasso, Modigliani, Gloria Stern, etc... For them, Paris was a feast constantly, they carried wherever they went, because it woke them. So here I am, I want to write all the poems that were only in my thoughts. Everything that has been locked inside me all these years ...I want to turn into something bright, effusive, intense and put into practice ...

- Alice, Alice, Alice, this sounds  good! I love your dream, and first of all, I would  like to invite you... Do you want to spend the last day of the year with me? We can meet before midnight ... near the Eiffel Tower! We can exchange many ideas, as well as you, I'm a writer too!

Alice smiled and said goodbye to István. Perhaps, she will meet him later...but now she wanted to go to the Atelier because she felt the inspiration come to meet her...

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Per te

voglio il cuore, 
voglio amare,
con fuoco,
con brio,
con spirito, 
con moto,

voglio il sexo,
voglio piaci,

voglio la vita,
voglio desiderare,

perché la mia esistenza,
è urgente
di tutte le mosse possibili...
come pennello di vernici instancabile, 
come un inchiostro infinito, 
come fiume diventa innamorato del mare,
come forza assoluta della natura,
ma non troppo...
aspettando per te...

Friday, February 7, 2014

Seulement Les Amants...

J'avais déjà vécu le rêve d'être aspirée ,
 comme la came, 
si doux... de tous les années,
marquée à la plume d´une intimité...
bouche à bouche, plus qu´une amitié...
comme un roman de Jane Austen, 
nous n'étions pas prêts ... 
pour vivre l´ardeur vibrant d´une vie,  si vraie...
moins que notre corps ensemble,
soit un éternel inassouvie...
parce que ma plus grande crainte est de rencontrer l'ennui...
trouver la douleur de nos répéter...
si perdus de notre capacité à être passion...
que notre morceaux, le mieux de nous peut s´enfuir...
Alors je dis à haute voix ... 
nous devrons être seulement les amants...

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Eu queria ter mil sambas de corda...
e que o tempo fosse só para solfejar...
mas a ampulheta me arrasta
me arrasa...
me paradoxa...
quero que passe como um tufão...
quero que vibre como um turbilhão...
mas dói...e como... 
e eu que era uma desesperançada do coração...
hoje me pego querendo viver além do grão...
quero uma vida florestal...
com árvores imensas...
e amor à dar com o pau... 

Provar do pão do banquete divino...
Partilhar o tonel do vinho sangrento...
Corpo, corpo, corpo... tão esquecido corpo...
ressuscitar meu corpo...
por que nos esquecemos dele?

A ânsia da espera...
é um espinho no pé...
é a fera ferida...
magoada e retorcida...
é cólica irremediada...
mas ainda não estou pronta...
para o filme revelar...
alterada de consciência...
repleta de inocência
rica de incoerência...
me deixo enganar...

tenho lágrimas até no ouvido...
como dor de alma que machuca o músculo
a razão me abandonou...
e Vênus está ferindo o que não pode ser curado...
Pobre Quíron...nem com uma prece
você verá a cicatriz...
sigo assim... 
como menina dolorida...
a fratura exposta...
com o não acontecer 
que dilacera mais 
do que perder por ter tido..

Saturday, January 11, 2014


Eu tenho quedas para o alto, 
murmúrios para o abismo, 
raízes nas sombras, 
mas quando te leio, 
meu paralelismo,
e vibro com tudo o que obras,
e me somo no floreio...
destas mal traçadas notas...


It rains on fingers
Heart´s inks
the intense crimson red
I'm bleeding, 
floating ...
Being only be on the wings of the singularity
Being only be:
extraordinary ineffable fabulous single moment
to exist in the Art of Now.


I took off my sandals and stepped on earth.
I took  off the dress and wet the body.
I took off the mask and opened my eyes.
I took off the skin and shed the blood.
I took off the character and stripped the BEING.


Savor the time running down our feet,
as if each step was an amuse-bouche.

It is difficult,
because we are tempted by fast food experience.

We use the wings of Mercury in line walking,
when a sour love.
Ah the paradox ...
Or are intense,
drunk on live so ...
or we will be like moldy lakes...

How we count  our day?
Our routines ...
The balance will have much the same ... or not.

Would  we love much of that?

How to make a delicious salad every day forever?
How to take strawberry ice cream thousand times?

We repeated ourselves and  the journey continues ...,
re-edit, re-invents,
but in the end ... the person who took the first step, no longer exists.

As they say in cliché ... what matters is how we walk on our path ...
.... the important is how we write our history...

Friday, January 10, 2014


How many glues were used to mount me?

How many labels to define me?

How many accessories to adorn me?

The path to the reverse is lonely ...

Peeling many buds ...

Shreding many voices ...

Deconstructing many concepts ...

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Conocimiento Absoluto

Puedo tomar muchas fotos de mí,
desde todos los ángulos, en todos los sentidos,
de todas las edades, de todos los tiempos ...
pero tu conocimiento de quién soy
no vendrá a ti...
hasta que tengamos un flujo de la experiencia ...
hasta que estemos bajo el mismo cielo ...
Por eso no vas a conocerme, 
sin permitir que tu intuición conozca
el mío, el tuyo y el nuestro... 
si desdoblando al mismo tiempo...
Tendrás que caminar conmigo... 
manos juntas, 
miradas atentas...
y sueños compartidos....
Asi estaremos conectados con la esencia de nuestras vidas...
Quizás, quizás, quizás en Paris...


The measure of our being
our reflexes
our experiments
our motivations
everything that we are in this life ...
Would it any purpose?
Perhaps, we dont need to find
any special reason
just be ...
and want to be more ...
devote all life to fighting
against our greatest pain ,
our fears ,
because there is nothing beyond the moment of now ...
our process of human being ,
our project of being human ,
will not suffer a heavenly repair ...
we must die in life, to live more ...
meant to die , like processing
of all that we want to win ...
beat ourselves ...
to Live should be the biggest target
to Live should be the weapon against our opponents ,
And I say to LIVE, not in the strict sense ...
Living all,  our power, potential...
Stop being just a promise ,
Ensure through our own commitment,
we will flourish every day ...
every year , while there is warm blood in our veins ...